Sunday, August 4, 2019

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Matthew Robert "Matt" Wilson (born March 28, 1963) is a singer-songwriter best known as the frontman of the band Trip Shakespeare. While Wilson was an English concentrator at Harvard he met John Munson and Elaine Harris and formed the band Trip Shakespeare. After the breakup he was a drummer for a Minneapolis band called Polara. He also produced for bands like Steel Shank, Magnet, The Wonsers, and Velma.

In 1998, he released an album called Burnt, White and Blue on his own label, Planet Maker Records.

He had an online project called "Main Output" at (which is now owned by a different Matt Wilson) where he posted songs in progress (like "The Follidaze of Highland Heights", "Raking Service" and "Troublemaker") and funny photo journals but eventually abandoned it.

From 2001 to 2005, Wilson and John Munson performed as The Flops, renamed "The Twilight Hours" in 2008. He had promoted his new band with John Munson as the Dark Nights with but the domain has expired. Wilson's brother Dan Wilson later led the band Semisonic.

Wilson is currently performing once again with a new group called Matt Wilson and His Orchestra, and also with John Munson in The Twilight Hours.

Matt Wilson (singer) 1

Matt Wilson (singer) 2

Matt Wilson (singer) 3

Matt Wilson (singer) 4

Matt Wilson (singer) 5

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